Why choose Invisalign?

Do you wish you could straighten your teeth but don’t want to wear unsightly fixed, metal braces? Perhaps you’re put off by the idea of all the extra time you’ll have to spend on dental hygiene when you’re dealing with food stuck between fixed brackets and wires. Then Invisalign could be just what you’re looking for.

The clear way to straighter teeth

Invisalign doesn’t use brackets or wires. It uses smooth, clear plastic aligners, which makes them incredibly hard to spot to the untrained eye.

When you choose teeth straightening treatment with Invisalign, you’ll wear a series of aligners that each gradually move your teeth into alignment. They do this thanks to custom-designed grooves and bumps on the inner surface of your aligners, which apply gentle guidance to your teeth.

Each aligner is worn for a week before you swap it out for the next, which means fewer appointments with your orthodontist as you can change them yourself.

A removable alternative

Invisalign aligners offer great flexibility when it comes to your lifestyle because they’re removable. You don’t need to change your diet or worry about food getting stuck in your braces. And you don’t need to spend more time cleaning your teeth. You can stick to doing exactly what you usually do.

This is because when it’s time to eat, drink anything other than water, or brush and floss your teeth, you simply take your aligners out. The rest of the time, day or night, keep those aligners in and you’ll enjoy straighter teeth without compromising on the aesthetics of your smile.

Quick and easy

Invisalign aligners work for all irregulaties, and most treatments complete in, on average, 15 months. And while you’re undergoing treatment, you can continue to smile with confidence as hardly anyone will notice that you’re wearing aligners.

To find out if removable Invisalign braces are suitable for your teeth straightening needs, lifestyle and budget, book a consultation with our General Dental Council registered Specialist Orthodontist Chris West.

If aligner braces aren’t right for you, we offer a range of discreet fixed braces so you can still enjoy inconspicuous teeth straightening, creating beautiful smiles making you the envy of friends and family!!!!!

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