CHRIS WEST BDS (Liverpool) FDS RCS (Eng) MScD (Wales) MOrth (Edin)
Specialist Orthodontist Registered with the General Dental Council (GDC #64753)
A Fellow of The Royal College of Surgeons of England
A Member of The Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh
A Registered Invisalign Practitioner
The British Orthodontic Society
The American Association of Orthodontists
The World Federation of Orthodontists
The British Dental Association
Chris is a REGISTERED ORTHODONTIC SPECIALIST with the General Dental Council with over TWENTY TWO YEARS OF EXPERIENCE in orthodontics and more than THIRTY in the dental profession.
Qualifying in Dentistry at Liverpool University in 1989.
Chris gained a Fellowship in Dental Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1995,
After completing his orthodontic specialist training in Cardiff Dental Hospital, Chris was granted admission to the Orthodontic Specialist List in 1999.
In 2000 Chris was awarded a Membership in Orthodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and gained an MScD in Orthodontics from the University of Wales, Cardiff in 2001.
Chris has also trained extensively abroad, including the Idea Institute in San Francisco and The Aarhus Dental School in Denmark.
In addition Chris has lectured at a national level and is a published author of journal articles.

Chris has worked as an orthodontist and dentist in the UK and overses, in university, hospital and specialist practice services.
Chris has provided treatment in all aspects of orthodontics for adult and younger patients, including inter-disciplinary cases involving restorative dentistry and maxillo-facial surgery.
Christ works closely with other specialist locally including; Rob Adams, Lawrence Aitken, Martin Ashley, Sanjeev Bhanderi and Phillip Greene.
Chris provides bespoke orthodontic therapy for patients from eight to over eighty years of age.
Needless to say, the earlier treatment starts, the less likelihood that teeth may have to be extracted.
Patients in their golden years can also benefit immensely from Chris’ skills. It’s never too late to re-establish a beautiful smile!
Chris is highly specialised in providing invisible solutions with Clear Braces and Invisalign systems.